Welcome to the emeis Whistleblowing Channel for the Nightingale Hospital

emeis provides its employees and stakeholders with a Whistleblowing System allowing to report a situation that is inappropriate or that does not comply with its principles or applicable laws and regulations.

This System completes the existing channels and reinforces emeis’ Ethical Conduct approach. It gives anyone wishing to report a situation an easy, confidential and, if necessary, anonymous way of doing so.

Before making a report, we invite you to read the Procedure for collecting and processing reports (downloadable below), which sets out the framework and operating procedures of the emeis'Whistleblowing System.

Organisation profile

Organisation emeis United Kingdom

  • Compliance/Internal Control Manager Cluster Northern Europe
  • Finance Director Nightingale Hospital
To know

The ethical whistleblowing system is by no means an emergency system and does not replace existing systems for reporting events that are an immediate threat to people or property.